Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

How to choose the Right Partner for Wastewater Treatment?

The wastewater treatment provider should comprehend your company, your current issues, and your long-term objectives. Water is not your concern; it is a required operating expense.

Your wastewater treatment provider should also offer suggestions to help you use less water and keep your energy and water bills in check. In addition to helping you save money, the correct water equipment can increase system efficiency and decrease downtime.

Utilizing the best wastewater treatment methods can cut down on labor costs, risks involved with chemical handling, and treatment prices. You should search elsewhere if your existing wastewater treatment company doesn’t provide a solution that does all of them.

They must be able to offer personalized solutions, accomplish each of your goals, and assist you in making decisions that are in your best interests, not theirs.

The desired skill set consists of the wastewater treatment company includes the following aspects:

1. Knowledge of biological processes, 

2. Engineering skills, 

3. Project management skills, 

4. Fabrication skills, 

5. Construction skills, 

6. Commissioning skills, and 

7. Service skills.

For wastewater treatment plant retrofit/rehab requirements, Aquamech offers a full-service solution with experience, capabilities, and resources that delivers total turnkey solutions.

5 suggestions that a consumer should be aware of and use at this decision-making stage while selecting the right partner for Wastewater Treatment.

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  1. Make sure you are aware of what you want.

Before working with a wastewater treatment company, you should educate yourself by responding to the following questions in advance.

  • Identify the equipment that would give you the desired results.
  • Acknowledge the treatment recommendations made by the manufacturer.
  • Study the equipment’s specifications.
  • What is the equipment’s operational schedule?
  • Cost of not running the equipment for your company.

2. Understand what’s being offered

Common queries regarding the specifics and procedure of selecting a new wastewater treatment company.

  • The frequency of their visiting the company like annual, quarterly, monthly, or even weekly service visits.
  • Check what types of payment options are available. Some businesses will charge lesser monthly fees, but depending on your demands, you might want to think about paying in full upfront for a reduced overall cost.
  • One clause in the contract that buyers frequently miss is standby equipment for delivering chemicals (such as pumps and controllers). You might have working equipment up front, but what happens if it breaks down and needs to be replaced?

3. Know the risks involved

Both actions—doing and not doing—involve dangers. What are the risks of doing nothing, for example, if your equipment breaks, and how much would it cost your company if that were to happen? What are the potential financial costs involved in doing so, and how will it impact the operations of your company?

Which level of service do you require? If the system isn’t directly correlated with the success of your firm, good may be sufficient. You might want to think about paying more to get better levels of service if it is more directly related.

4. Request past testimonials from each seller by contacting references

Asking for references or customer feedback would help to give us an idea of how the process will proceed. If any red flags appear, you can quickly get in touch with the vendor to ask more questions regarding the service you will be receiving. 

You can ask questions that are similar to the ones you asked the vendor. Even visiting an existing client is an option.

5. Know their after-sale services

In the long term, you might be able to save money by being honest about unforeseen costs. While some businesses may charge more, they also pay for future equipment maintenance and inspection costs. These ought to be covered in the contract and mentioned in depth right away.

Why choose Aquamech for your Wastewater Treatment Solutions?

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Wastewater treatment systems can reduce all contaminants viz turbidity, taste, color, iron content, COD, BOD, and odor of water, among other observable characteristics. 

Finding the best wastewater treatment scheme and system can be challenging, but once you approach Aquamech all your concerns are put to rest.

The idea that “one size fits all” does not apply to wastewater systems at Aquamech since we think that every customer has a different scenario.

Contact Aquamech to receive high-quality solutions and guidance on the best wastewater treatment for your business. 

We provide several customized solutions for wastewater treatment and our technical teams have the knowledge and the problem-solving skills to design complete systems.

To discuss a design, or installation, or to learn more about what Aquamech can provide, get in touch with our design head, Navdeep Singh Sethi.