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Elevating Hemodialysis Water Quality in Healthcare - Aquamech Engineering Corporation

Cleansing Care: Elevating Hemodialysis Water Quality in Healthcare

Hemodialysis is a life-saving medical procedure that provides a glimmer of hope and a second chance at life for patients suffering from acute or chronic kidney disease. 

This intricate medical treatment involves the filtration of a patient’s blood to remove waste, excess fluid, and electrolytes, essentially taking on the role of the kidneys when they can no longer function effectively. 

Hemodialysis is a cornerstone of healthcare, vital in sustaining the lives of countless individuals, particularly those affected by acute kidney disease (AKD).

An Overview of Hemodialysis

Hemodialysis is a kidney replacement procedure that uses a machine to clean the patient’s blood by passing it through a dialyzer, removing waste, and returning purified blood. It’s typically done in a clinical setting under medical supervision, crucial for managing kidney disease.

The Importance of Water Quality in Hemodialysis

While the mechanics of hemodialysis may seem straightforward, the precision and reliability of the process are dependent on a crucial, behind-the-scenes element: the quality of water used in the dialysis process. It might be surprising, but water plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of hemodialysis treatment.

The reason for this is twofold:

  1. Patient Safety: Hemodialysis involves direct contact between the patient’s blood and water during the filtration process. Any impurities, contaminants, or microorganisms in the water can pose a significant risk to the patient’s health. The purity of the water used in the procedure is paramount in ensuring the patient’s safety and well-being.
  1. Compliance with Regulatory Standards: Regulatory bodies and health authorities have established strict water quality standards for hemodialysis facilities. Adhering to these standards is not merely a matter of best practice; it’s a legal requirement. Failure to meet these quality benchmarks can result in serious consequences, including the jeopardization of patient health, legal liabilities, and operational setbacks.

In essence, the water quality used for hemodialysis is not just about convenience or preference; it’s a matter of life and death. It’s the unsung hero, quietly but critically supporting healthcare professionals in their mission to restore and improve patients’ quality of life.

In the subsequent sections of this article, we will delve deeper into the various types of water used in hemodialysis, the need for high-quality water treatment solutions, and how these solutions are tailored to meet the unique requirements of the healthcare and hospitality industries. 

We will explore the technology behind hemodialysis water treatment systems, their role in maintaining patient safety, and the regulatory landscape that guides these crucial processes.

Types of Dialysis

Types of Dialysis - Aquamech Engineering Corporation

Hemodialysis vs. Peritoneal Dialysis


Hemodialysis, as described earlier, is a highly effective and widely practiced method of kidney replacement therapy. It involves the use of a specialized machine called a hemodialyzer to filter the patient’s blood. 

The patient’s blood is drawn from their body and directed through the machine, which contains a semi-permeable membrane. On one side of the membrane, the patient’s blood flows, and on the other side, a cleansing solution known as dialysate is present.

This arrangement facilitates the exchange of waste products and excess fluids from the patient’s blood into the dialysate, effectively purifying the blood. 

Hemodialysis is typically conducted in a clinical setting, such as a hospital or dialysis center, and is closely supervised by medical professionals.

Peritoneal Dialysis:

In contrast, peritoneal dialysis is a different method of kidney replacement therapy that can often be administered at home. 

Instead of relying on an external machine, peritoneal dialysis utilizes the body’s peritoneum, a natural membrane lining the abdominal cavity, as a filter. 

In this method, a cleansing solution, known as a dialysis solution, is introduced into the patient’s abdominal cavity through a catheter. The peritoneum serves as a natural filter, allowing waste products and excess fluids to pass into the dialysis solution. 

After a prescribed dwell time, the used dialysis solution is drained, and the fresh solution is introduced, repeating the process. 

Peritoneal dialysis is preferred by some patients due to its flexibility and ability to be done at home, but it may not be suitable for all cases.

The Focus on Hemodialysis in Hospitals and Pharma Companies

Hemodialysis takes center stage in the healthcare industry, particularly in hospitals and pharmaceutical companies, for several reasons:

  1. Precision and Control: Hemodialysis is a highly controlled and precise method of kidney replacement therapy. It allows healthcare professionals to fine-tune the treatment to meet each patient’s specific needs. This level of control is essential in critical care settings such as hospitals, where patients’ conditions can vary widely.
  1. Expertise and Monitoring: Hospitals and pharmaceutical companies have the infrastructure and expertise to provide advanced medical care. Hemodialysis requires specialized equipment, water treatment systems, and constant monitoring, which these institutions are well-equipped to provide.
  1. Stringent Quality Standards: Hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are subject to rigorous regulatory standards and guidelines. Hemodialysis in these settings must adhere to these standards to ensure patient safety and regulatory compliance, making water quality and treatment systems pivotal in the process.
  1. Acute Kidney Disease (AKD) Management: Hospitals frequently encounter cases of AKD, which require immediate and effective treatment, including hemodialysis. The capability to provide hemodialysis in-house is crucial for timely patient care.

The choice between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis depends on individual patient needs, medical conditions, and lifestyle. 

While peritoneal dialysis offers more autonomy and convenience for some patients, hemodialysis remains the gold standard in hospitals and pharmaceutical companies where precise control, constant monitoring, and adherence to strict quality standards are essential in providing life-saving care to patients. 

Hemodialysis water treatment solutions, which ensure the purity and safety of the water used in this critical procedure, are a fundamental component of healthcare infrastructure in these settings.

Water for Hemodialysis

Water for Hemodialysis - Aquamech Engineering Corporation

The Critical Role of Water in Hemodialysis

Water is the unsung hero of hemodialysis, working silently behind the scenes to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the treatment. 

The reasons why water quality is of utmost importance in hemodialysis are as follows:

  1. Direct Blood Contact: Hemodialysis involves the direct contact of the patient’s blood with the water used for filtration. Any impurities, contaminants, or microorganisms in the water can potentially harm the patient. Therefore, water purity is essential for patient safety.
  1. Regulatory Compliance: Health authorities and regulatory bodies have set stringent water quality standards for dialysis facilities. Compliance with these standards is not optional; it’s a legal obligation. Failing to meet these standards can result in severe consequences, including putting patient health at risk and facing legal and operational repercussions.
  1. Long-Term Health Outcomes: The long-term health outcomes of hemodialysis patients are closely tied to the quality of the water used during the treatment. Poor water quality can lead to complications, infections, and decreased treatment efficacy, potentially compromising patient well-being.

In light of these reasons, the water used in hemodialysis is not merely a technicality but a matter of life and death. 

It’s the foundation upon which patient care is built, quietly supporting healthcare professionals in their mission to restore and enhance the quality of life for those in need.

Types of Water Used in Hemodialysis

In the world of hemodialysis, there are several types of water, each with specific purification methods that ensure it meets the required standards. These water types used in Hemodialysis are combination of all three technologies to best suit the treated water quality as per AIIM standards:

  1. Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water:

Reverse osmosis is a cutting-edge purification method that involves pushing water through a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities, contaminants, and particles. RO water is exceptionally pure, as it eliminates nearly all dissolved solids, including minerals and microorganisms. This level of purity is necessary to prevent any harm to the patient’s blood during hemodialysis.

  1. Ultrafiltration (UF) Water:

Ultrafiltration is a low-pressure membrane technology that is used after the RO for removal of endotoxins which is vital as per the AIIM Standards.

It is recommended to have hot water sanitizable RO and UF systems to withstand sanitization with hot water at 80-degree celsius for one hour.  

Wherein the purification system needed is of a smaller capacity. We can also opt for RO + Endotoxin cartridge filter. 

  1. Ultraviolet (UV) Purified Water:

Ultraviolet purification utilizes UV light to deactivate or eliminate microorganisms and bacteria in the water. UV treatment ensures that the water used in hemodialysis is free from harmful pathogens that could pose a risk to the patient.

Combining these three types of water, RO, UF, and UV purified water, guarantees that the water used in hemodialysis is of the highest quality, ensuring patient safety, treatment effectiveness, and compliance with regulatory standards.

In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into the technology behind hemodialysis water treatment systems, their role in maintaining patient safety, and the critical importance of these systems in healthcare institutions and pharmaceutical companies, particularly in acute kidney disease management.

Feed Water Conditions for Artificial Kidney Dialysis (AKD) RO + UF system:

Sr. No.ParametersInlet Water Quality
a.pH range, Short Term Cleaning1-12
b.Residual ChlorineNil
c.Turbidity<1 NTU
d.Suspended SolidsNil
e.SDI< 4
f.Temperature< 40°C
g.Organics and BacteriaNil
h.Heavy Metals< 0.1 ppm
i.TDS100-1500 ppm

Treated Water Quality as per AAMI 13959:2014 for Water to be used for Hemodialysis

ContaminantsAAMI maximum concentration for dialysis (mg/L)
Nitrate (as Nitrogen)2.0

Amendments to the Old Standards according to AAMI 13959:2014

Microbiological LevelPrevious StandardNew StandardPrevious Action LevelNew Action Level
Colony Forming Units< 200 CFU/ml< 100 CFU/ml= 50 CFU/ml= 50 CFU/ml
Endotoxin Units< 2 EU/ml< 0.25 EU/ml= 1 EU/ml= 0.125 EU/ml

What is the Water Quality Needed and How Aquamech can Help with that?

Water quality is a critical aspect of our daily lives as it directly impacts our health and well-being. 

To ensure that water is safe for consumption and use, various parameters need to be monitored and controlled within specific allowable limits. This is where Aquamech comes into play.

Our company is dedicated to improving and maintaining water quality. They provide innovative solutions and technologies to help ensure that water meets the necessary standards and is safe for various applications. 

Aquamech has been into high purity water systems since 1999 for pharmaceutical, hospital, personal care, and other hygene industry. We have been promoting latest technologies to produce ultra pure water for these industries.

Tailoring Solutions for Hospitals and Pharma Companies

Hospitals and pharmaceutical companies have unique water quality needs due to the critical nature of their operations. 

Hemodialysis water treatment systems designed for these environments prioritize precision, patient safety, and strict adherence to regulatory standards. 

These solutions are tailored to the specific requirements of healthcare institutions, ensuring that patients receive the highest standard of care.  

Integration into a Skid System

To streamline the deployment and management of hemodialysis water treatment systems, they are often integrated into a skid system.

This compact, modular setup includes all the necessary components, such as RO units, UF units, and UV disinfection modules, neatly arranged on a single skid. 

This integrated approach simplifies installation and maintenance, reduces footprint requirements, and ensures the smooth operation of the system.

The Role of Monitoring and Maintenance

Continuous monitoring and maintenance are non-negotiable aspects of hemodialysis water treatment systems. Here’s why they are crucial:

  1. Water Quality Assurance: Regular monitoring is essential to ensure that the water quality meets the stringent standards required for hemodialysis. Any deviation from these standards can compromise patient safety and treatment effectiveness.
  1. Early Issue Detection: Monitoring allows for the early detection of system malfunctions or deviations in water quality. This proactive approach helps prevent downtime and ensures that the system operates at peak efficiency.
  1. Preventing Contamination: Maintenance and sanitation procedures are vital for preventing contamination of the water treatment system. Any contamination can have dire consequences for patients undergoing hemodialysis.
  1. Regulatory Compliance: Healthcare facilities must adhere to regulatory guidelines, which often include specific requirements for monitoring and maintenance. Compliance is not just good practice; it’s a legal obligation.

Hemodialysis water treatment systems are the unsung heroes of the healthcare industry, diligently working behind the scenes to provide patients with the high-quality water required for life-saving treatments. 

These systems incorporate advanced purification technologies and are designed for seamless integration into healthcare settings. 

Continuous monitoring and maintenance are the pillars that uphold the integrity of these systems, ensuring that they deliver the purest and safest water for patients undergoing hemodialysis.

Benefits of Hemodialysis Water Treatment Systems

Implementing hemodialysis water treatment systems in hospitality settings offers several benefits:

  1. Guest Satisfaction: Ensuring high-quality water for guests with medical requirements enhances their overall experience and satisfaction during their stay.
  1. Operational Flexibility: A water treatment system capable of producing water of the required quality can cater to a broader spectrum of guests, including those with special healthcare needs.
  1. Legal Compliance: Meeting regulatory standards and guidelines for water quality is a legal obligation. Implementing a reliable water treatment system ensures that hotels remain in compliance with these requirements.

Unique Ultra Pure Water

Unique Ultra Pure Water - Aquamech Engineering Corporation
Unique Ultra Pure Water - Aquamech Engineering Corporation
Unique Ultra Pure Water - Aquamech Engineering Corporation

Why High-Quality Water is Essential?

Why High-Quality Water is Essential? - Aquamech Engineering Corporation

Water Purity and Patient Safety:

  1. Direct Impact on Patients: During the hemodialysis process, the patient’s blood comes into direct contact with the water used for filtration. Any impurities or contaminants in the water can potentially compromise patient safety. High-quality water ensures that this vital point of contact is free from harmful substances that could harm the patient.
  1. Preventing Microbial Contamination: Microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses, can pose a significant risk to patients undergoing hemodialysis. High-purity water, achieved through rigorous purification methods like reverse osmosis (RO) and ultraviolet (UV) treatment, effectively eliminates these potential threats, safeguarding the patient’s health.
  2. Eliminating Harmful Substances: Water used in hemodialysis should be virtually free of dissolved solids and minerals. Poor water quality can introduce harmful substances into the patient’s bloodstream, leading to complications and potential long-term health issues.

Why Purification of Water is Required?

ImpuritiesAllowable Limit (mg/l)Causes
Aluminum0.01Dialysis Dementia
Chloramines0.1Acute Hemolytic Anemia
Fluoride0.2Toxicity, Bone Diseases
Lead0.005Gastrointestinal Pain, Muscle Weakness
Sulphate100Nausea, Metabolic Acidosis
Calcium2Hypertension, Nausea, Vomiting
Magnesium4Muscle Weakness
Bacteria< 100 CFU/mlNausea, Vomiting, Bloodstream Infection, Death
Endotoxin< 0.25 EU/mlPyrogenic reaction, Death
Source of Data: Guideline on water treatment systems, dialysis water, and dialysis fluid quality for hemodialysis and related therapies prepared on behalf of The Renal Association and The Association of Renal Technologists.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

  1. Stringent Regulations: Health authorities and regulatory agencies have established strict water quality standards for hemodialysis facilities. Compliance with these regulations is non-negotiable.

    Failing to meet these standards can result in severe consequences, including legal liabilities, operational disruptions, and, most importantly, the compromise of patient safety.
  1. Legal Obligation: Hemodialysis centers and healthcare facilities are bound by law to adhere to these water quality standards. It’s not just a best practice; it’s a legal obligation, emphasizing the seriousness of maintaining high-quality water in the dialysis process.

Avoiding Complications and Infections

  1. Infection Control: Hemodialysis patients often have weakened immune systems, making them more susceptible to infections.

    Suboptimal water quality can introduce infectious agents into the patient’s bloodstream, leading to severe complications, such as septicemia or localized infections at the vascular access site.
  1. Treatment Efficacy: The effectiveness of hemodialysis is closely tied to the quality of water used. Poor water quality can reduce the efficiency of the procedure, prolonging treatment times, and increasing the risk of incomplete waste and fluid removal.
  1. Long-Term Health Outcomes: The long-term health of hemodialysis patients depends on the quality of their treatment. High-quality water helps avoid complications and infections that can be detrimental to patients over time.

The essential role of high-quality water in hemodialysis cannot be overstated. It is the linchpin of patient safety, regulatory compliance, and effective treatment. 

Whether in hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, or any healthcare setting, maintaining the purity of water used in hemodialysis is a fundamental requirement, a legal mandate, and a critical step in preserving the well-being and quality of life of patients suffering from kidney disease. 

Hemodialysis water treatment systems, which incorporate advanced purification techniques, are the backbone of this life-saving procedure, ensuring that patients receive the care they need, without unnecessary risks or complications.


In the world of healthcare, the significance of water quality in hemodialysis cannot be overstated. It is, quite literally, a matter of life and death. 

Hemodialysis water treatment solutions are the unsung heroes behind the scenes, ensuring that the water used in this life-saving procedure is of the highest purity and safety.

Hemodialysis water treatment systems play a pivotal role in safeguarding the well-being of patients battling kidney disease. 

These systems meticulously purify water to the most exacting standards, ensuring that impurities, contaminants, and microorganisms are eliminated. In doing so, they protect patients from harm and guarantee the efficacy of the hemodialysis procedure. 

The purity of water in this context is not a mere preference but a non-negotiable requirement, and the water treatment systems are the silent guardians that make it possible.

Aquamech offers state-of-the-art hemodialysis water treatment solutions for hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare institutions. 

Our expert team is available to address your inquiries, assess your specific requirements, and provide customized solutions to enhance patient care by ensuring the highest water quality for life-saving hemodialysis procedures. 

Aquamech is committed to delivering essential support for safe and effective treatments, prioritizing patient safety and well-being.